Monday, 16 May 2016

Path (II) standing artwork

Title: path (II)
Format: 30x30x8cm
Technique: Acrylic on wood box
Production year: 2016
Acrylic painting on wood box. The backside has a white abstract painting. The artwork can be displayed from both sides and several angles. It is relatively deep, 8 cm, and stands firmly, like a sculpture. It can be hung to the wall, but has no arrangement for this. It has to be fitted to it. I have made two boxes, that would go well together. 

Sunday, 8 May 2016

My artwork is available on clothing!


This artwork is used to create a design for two tops and one silk scarf. 

Vida cooperates with artists that use their own work to create interesting and original designs. I have used paintings, woodcut and digital art to create tops, modern tees and scarfs. If you would like to see some of my work, please follow the link: