Friday, 15 April 2016

grey light

Title: grey light
Format: 25x20x3.4cm
Technique: Oil on kapa
Production year: 2016

The artwork shows an abstract landscape in greyish tones with some pink. It has a lot of texture in the brushstrokes, creating a tactile feeling. It belongs to a modern, abstract, minimalistic tradition. 

The artwork is made on kapa board. Two boards are glued on top of each other creating a sculpture like painting. The board is covered and painted with oil. The sides are relatively deep, and painted in white. It can be displayed as it is, it has a metal arrangement for hanging on the backside.

Artwork on wall

From another angle

And no matter what, her hair always looks swell, drawing

Title: And no matter what, her hair always looks swell
Format: Paper 26x17.7cm, Image 15x10cm
Technique: Pencil on paper
Production year: 2016
Price: 100 USD
The drawing shows a woman, seated in a chair, 
she seems to be resting and reflecting. Her hairdo looks good, brushed and styled. 
The original is more white, less contrasted on the black, more delicate perhaps. 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Tranquility space

Title: Tranquility space
Format: 43.5x43cm
Technique: Silkscreen on paper
Production year: 2012
The artwork is made by silkscreen technique. A face is made using digital tools and effects on a computer, then transferred to paper. The artwork an be considered conceptual, modern and within a minimalist tradition. The space itself, made by surrounding paper and the placement of the head in relation to the space creates the artwork. Tranquility is a state of calm, without noise or disturbing elements. The color of the paper was difficult to present properly on the photo. It is a delicate matte blue-greyish-green color. It will be signed with black on the right downside.

 Closer display

Artwork on a mdf.board. 

Monday, 11 April 2016


Title: Memory
Format: 60x60x4cm
Technique: Oil on canvas
Production year: 2016
The painting belongs to an abstract tradition. It is made with light brown, pinkish and white colors, using shades and tones to create a vision of something that is difficult to grasp. There is some texture made by thicker layers of oil, creating a tension or dynamic, shaping form. The artwork also belongs to a minimalistic and expressionistic line. The sides are painted in white.